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Under the detection means of advertising

  • Author:Liu poem
  • Source:flintstone
  • Release on :2015-11-09

Under the detection means of advertising

On one we talked about hardware detection, and today we are concerned that function testing and software testing. Make you more clear understanding of advertising.

Function tests, I believe we all know a few brief function advertising machine: video, images, audio playback, Wi-Fi, backstage control. In fact, there are many LCD advertising we do not know the function. Such as 3G or 4G network connection, mobile phone or computer remote control, play records every day, etc., an LCD advertising machine functions determine its widespread use. Many manufacturers in order to save costs save a lot of features, so be sure to ask before you buy advertising, he has those features.

Software testing, as the same computer. Advertising machine processing speed and multi-tasking is what we pay attention to the place. Because advertising is not a mobile computer, when we can not use all the time in the next, so when there is a problem when it is difficult to deal with in time. So we can only LCD advertising machine system optimization. Improve its operating speed and multi-tasking capabilities, try to avoid because the software is running sluggish small problems arise.

LCD advertising machine detects the above three methods we may for computer phone this is more familiar, but rarely used advertising to go above. We buy advertising is to increase market share or brand promotion, but if the machine runs sluggish advertising may affect our marketing, so the choice of advertising must choose their own products.