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Do not disturb a person wanted to talk to you

  • الكاتب:Thinkxing
  • مصدر:FlintStone
  • الافراج عن:2015-06-24

Do not disturb one wanted to talk to you,
Because his heart the most important person is not you.

The shoes do not fit, do not cram, and grinding his own feet;

It does not take phone calls,
Again and again, I do not redial, and
Cherish your first time people will call;

Micro channel people do not go back;
Would not have made;
People who want to care about you,
No matter how busy will look back;

Move out of the restaurant,
Do not eat all the way past,
Your time is not always spent on the road to follow.

All people and things,
Own clear conscience,
Not you do not insist,

Anyway leave, are landscapes,
Left, is the life!
