Buy digital signage six errors
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Buy digital signage six errors

  • Author:Thinkxing
  • Source:WEB
  • Release on :2015-08-28
It's easy to Digital Signage And buy television confused. After all, they share a common LCD screen , Although there are some differences between commercial and consumer digital signage screen television monitor, but they still look very similar in many ways.
In addition, because there is the purchase and installation settings TV experience, so you might think that digital signage is the same as the purchase and installation process: Once installed, plug in the power, open it just fine, right?
It appears to be wrong.

Buy digital signage relates to digital signage system needs to understand the relevant knowledge, as well as their interaction requirements, specialized hardware and software systems required not only itself, but also professional installation required, and how to operate and maintain, etc. ʱ?? Aside filling and maintaining digital signage interesting sexual content.
These people bought digital signage digital signage deployment will know there is technical in nature, its success depends on the degree of your homework carefully. Therefore, in order to help you buy the right digital signage, detours, here we talk about when purchasing a digital signage system some common mistakes. 

Based on our observation test, Here are the top six errors:

Myth # 1: Insufficient budget
Make sure your budget is not just covering the initial cost of the system, including software upgrades, so you can make your homes more new features. And do not forget the new hardware -PC or screen can not always meet your needs, you may need to add more players or the bandwidth in the future. Other budget items may be training, this is not just the beginning of needs, ongoing training is a must, so that you can add new functionality or user or creative services. You may also hire a designer to refresh the panel, but do not forget the technical support. In short, in general, if you can, try to do 18-24 months budget.

Myth # 2: Do not consider expansion
If you bought a rigid or closed system, you will not when you need to add or change the configuration. So you do not get digital signage facilitates better results. Another possibility is that you move the position or upgrade to a larger configuration. So make sure not to choose the time of purchase can not extend the system, otherwise you'll spend more money, but just bought a bunch of small systems can not expand.

Myth # 3: Relying on a person to do all the things
If you buy a computer in the digital signage software, so you have only one person to do everything. Consider licensing agreement or a Web-based system, which would allow more people to participate. You can get more body will to your efforts so there will be as many people as possible involved in your investment, you will be so excited.

Myth 4: The people involved are not involved from the early
Nobody wants to have too many cooks in the kitchen, the sooner to get everyone's input, the better. When we talked about earlier, if you use alarm systems and procurement management, think about the content of the designer, scheduler and administrators, IT staff, security personnel and so on. In early should consider getting the crowd involved participation. It makes people more passionate, more easily use the system, in order to maximize its full potential.

Myth 5: too much into hardware
Maybe you find someone in the media player and flat panel display above gives you a big discount, until you want to use content management software when to use it. Remember, people will interact with the software, so make sure your hardware is designed for software, rather than the other way. Multimedia information distribution system is easy to use, can achieve good docking hardware, has been successfully used by thousands of organizations.

Myth # 6: do online survey 
Finally, the digital signage buyers often do not know what is the network engine. So make sure you have a qualified IT personnel, can participate in the survey in advance to power, network connectivity and IT security policies run every digital signage locations. What do than hang a new screen and not show anything worse situation do? Mention this only because you do not advance some firewalls or wiring problems.

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